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About Sandbox Realism

This is a fork of the vanilla Sandbox gamemode for S&box, with a few minor tweaks focused around increasing realism during exploration. These changes are not meant to necessarily be used in everyday play of the game, as this would not be a fun regular speed to play at. However, these speed and player size modifications give a more immersive feel of scale when exploring realistic maps, when gameplay is not necessarily the end goal. Differences from Default Sandbox: -Drastically reduced player speed to realistic levels. For example, in real life, it takes around 2 minutes to walk a city block, not approximately 40 seconds as it does in the default gamemode. -Reduced player physbox girth to 24 units, down from 32. A standard human can fit through a much smaller space than 32 inches, and this partially accounts for that. -Lowered near clipping plane to 5 units. This fixes a common camera glitch near the border of the screen when near a wall.


Sandbox Realism

Sandbox, with a few minor tweaks focused around increasing realism during exploration.

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