Sandbox Logo


  "CsProjName": "",
  "PrimaryAsset": "",
  "PhysicsMins": "-1,-1,-1",
  "PhysicsMaxs": "1,1,1",
  "RenderMins": "-1,-1,-1",
  "RenderMaxs": "-1,-1,-1",
  "Summary": "Expertly pads your strings in a leftwise manner.",
  "Description": "Powered by proprietary high-performance algorithms trusted by NASA, Duccsoft LeftPad Enterprise Edition heralds a disruptive revolution in the once-perilous market of left pad solutions. Empower your workforce to escape the Sisyphean, manual, legacy and unproductive through Duccsoft LeftPad Enterprise Edition. Duccsoft LeftPad Enterprise Edition is the ultimate culmination of a number of decades of industry adjacent experiences. May God bless your American soul, my dear end user.\n",
  "Public": true,
  "ReplaceTags": "library left pad code string"


Name Size
text_snippet manifest.json 56B
text_snippet package.base.dll 573KB
text_snippet package.duccsoft.leftpad_ee.dll 5KB