Sandbox Logo


  "CsProjName": "",
  "PrimaryAsset": "",
  "PhysicsMins": "-1,-1,-1",
  "PhysicsMaxs": "1,1,1",
  "RenderMins": "-1,-1,-1",
  "RenderMaxs": "-1,-1,-1",
  "Summary": "A addon loader for gamemodes.",
  "Description": "An addon loader for s\u0026box. To use it, open the console ( \u0022 f1 \u0022 key ) and use this command:\nload_addon \u0022addon.identifier\u0022\n\nDepending on the nature of the addon you may not see the changes. (the spawn menu in the sandbox mode for example must be reloaded in order to spawn new content.) This unfortunately is outside of my control.\n\nIf you need further help, type load_addon_help in console.",
  "Public": true,
  "ReplaceTags": "utility"


Name Size
text_snippet manifest.json 55B
text_snippet package.gmodn.addon_loader.dll 13.5KB