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About Dark Descent

A package description - coming soon from Fortunes Dev Dump!


Doesn't launch, cannot test
still doesn't launch :<
26 Days Ago
the game don't launch(
31 Days Ago
This rocks, ignore that one guy complaining about not being able to soft lock enemies. This is very good, combat feels nice and rewarding.
32 Days Ago
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35 Days Ago
36 Days Ago
Niice Game
37 Days Ago
38 Days Ago
38 Days Ago
Good quality game, but fighting system needs some changes. My biggest complain is that no matter if you hit your enemy or not they will still strike you. It makes the fighting much worse than it could be because the enemy cannot be punished for attacking early and you have to block each their strike even if it should be your turn to strike after succesfully blocking. The other problem are combos. Skeletons combo-strike all the time and if they miss the first strike and you try to block it, you'll get hit by the second strike that came 0.0001s after the first one. My suggestion are to stop the enemy attack if they were hit (like in any other melee game) and to stop the enemy combo if they miss or make it much slower if they miss. Also skeletons constantly get inside you 0_o because of the attack animation, which makes it hard to tell what they are going to do next. Conceptually the game is very good. It's like a singleplayer roguelike with melee system inspired by chivalry or mordhau. I never knew I needed it, but with maybe more RPG elements like clothes and stuff, and multiplayer it can be a great and unique game. (I saw Fortune testing this fighting system with teleportation from Dishonored. What if we actually add this and other magic as weapons and spells in the game. I don't think the game aims to be competitive, so this would be cool)
38 Days Ago
39 Days Ago
break it brian is playing
39 Days Ago
The AI are broken for me but overall quite nice! Also is it normal for the mouse input to be very laggy and broken feeling?
39 Days Ago
40 Days Ago
41 Days Ago
this man casually made mordhau melee fighting for a game jam. goddamnit, this fighting system alone already deserves a reward. I wish that it fully resembled mordhau fighting cos the parrying here is shit. enemy animations are not so easily predictable cos all the attack animations look the same but with different speed. Ofc I'd learn all the animations if it was a full game, but that would be uncomfortable. Also enemy stumble is random(when u hit the enemy and it cancels enemy's attack animation) but overall it felt good. I really hope that the dev would open source it for people to learn how its made
41 Days Ago
needs right click to parry otherwise it's awesome
42 Days Ago
42 Days Ago
42 Days Ago
Had fun. pretty replayable when choosing different routes/weapons. I hope more gets added
42 Days Ago
I am waiting for the development of this game
42 Days Ago
This is amazing
42 Days Ago
Really damn good. Hope you expand on this!
42 Days Ago
This is by far the best game I've played in S&box yet, good job!
43 Days Ago
Dude this is awesome! But i think you will have to add screenshots if you want more people to play it
43 Days Ago
mr skeltal
44 Days Ago
44 Days Ago
very cool game
44 Days Ago
Good atmosphere, but the learning curve is pretty steep. Smashing furniture and collecting bits of loot is satisfying. Scratches a "slow-paced immersive dungeon crawler" itch I've been having. Looking forward to seeing more!
45 Days Ago
2 Months Ago
How do I get a gun license?
3 Months Ago
i agree
3 Months Ago
wwtf this is awesome

Dark Descent

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