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REVOLVER ROULETTE is a gamemode shooter.

Theres only one bullet for all players and nobody knows who has it! It gets rerolled once it is shot or enough time passes.

Everyone has unlimited bullets but they don't kill players instantly.

Press SHIFT to duck
Press RMB   to kick

Shooting metal objects makes the bullet RICOCHET and hit a random nearby player!
Kicking and shooting deals KNOCKBACK to all movable objects!

If you're hosting a lobby and catch someone cheating, you can use the rr_list_steamids console command to see their steam id and ban them using rr_ban_steamid


48 Days Ago
Glad to see the direction change to something more western. Makes it feel like it owns its identity a lot more. Sometimes I do want to just play the Roulette gamemode, so would be cool if you could choose to cycle gamemodes or just stick with one.
49 Days Ago
49 Days Ago
Very fun and cool gamemode
53 Days Ago
its quite fun, can replay this for hours on end
53 Days Ago
Very fun! Love the kick mechanic, I do wish duck was on Ctrl. Looking forward to seeing more maps too!
54 Days Ago
really fun and replayable its got good movement mechanics but there is some jank
55 Days Ago
very fun!!
55 Days Ago
pm's are broken, funny game
59 Days Ago
It's an interesting experience
2 Months Ago
Fistful of frags vibes. It's got quite a few bugs atm but I'm sure this'll turn out to be a nice gamemode

Revolver Roulette

Russian roulette as a shooter.

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