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This section and or feature is being worked on right now - so expect even more jank than normal


Leaderboards allow you to take one of your stats, bin them by players and order them.

This allows you to create boards for the highest score, most kills etc.


To input into the board you need to create a stat, using the stats section.

So for example, in the scenario where you want to count the most wins, at the end of the game you'd have the client count a win by incrementing a stat called wins.


Depending on your scoreboard, you might want to aggregate the stat differently.

For example, if you want to rank by the most kills, you'd have a kills start that you increment on each kill, and then you would aggregate using sum, which would add all those kills up.

If you have a leaderboard for the most kills in a round, at the end of the round, you'd submit a stat called round_kills with the number of kills, and then aggregate using highest.


You can specify a unit type for your stat. This is most useful if it's not a simple number, like if it's time-based.

By specifying the unit type, the scoreboards outside of the game will try to format the values nicely, and when querying in game you'll get that formatted string (as well as the raw double value)