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This section and or feature is being worked on right now - so expect even more jank than normal

External Access

You can query the leaderboards outside of the game, for use in your own websites and apis.

To do that, this is the endpoint<packageident>/<leaderboard>/u/<steamid>/global
packageident - the ident of your package (facepunch.sausagesurvivors)
leaderboard - the ident of the leaderboard
steamid - the 64bit Steam Id of the user you want to query for

The global at the end can be switched to country, which will give you the leaderboard for that user's country. As of right now, you can't query friend lists via the web api.

Other Parameters

You can query stats within specific periods by passing a UTC date time in for from and to GET parameters. The dates should be in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ format.

The take parameter tells the api how many results to return.

Example Response

    "Title": "United Kingdom",
    "DisplayName": "Most Zombies Killed",
    "Description": "",
    "TotalEntries": 10,
    "Unit": "Integer",
    "Entries": [
            "Me": false,
            "Rank": 5,
            "Value": 195,
            "ValueString": "195",
            "SteamId": 76561198065131258,
            "DisplayName": "Tommu"
            "Me": false,
            "Rank": 6,
            "Value": 21,
            "ValueString": "21",
            "SteamId": 76561199521932476,
            "DisplayName": "FP LAN2"
            "Me": false,
            "Rank": 7,
            "Value": 17,
            "ValueString": "17",
            "SteamId": 76561198106553779,
            "DisplayName": "Michael"
            "Me": true,
            "Rank": 8,
            "Value": 13,
            "ValueString": "13",
            "SteamId": 76561197960279927,
            "DisplayName": "garry"
            "Me": false,
            "Rank": 9,
            "Value": 11,
            "ValueString": "11",
            "SteamId": 76561199521507518,
            "DisplayName": "FP LAN3"
            "Me": false,
            "Rank": 10,
            "Value": 9,
            "ValueString": "9",
            "SteamId": 76561198041547053,
            "DisplayName": "Mega"
    "Milliseconds": 44